“If You Think about Birds, You Don’t Immediately Think about a Penguin”: How You Can Spot Data Bias

Students in the Minor Big Data at the University of Applied Sciences in Utrecht learn how to design services and products with the help of data and algorithms. Many of the aspiring data professionals will build systems that aim to offer value to their end-users. However, how aware are they about the problem of data bias? Mission chair Dennis Nguyen and his colleague Joanna Pisarczyk hosted a critical discussion where students shared their opinions on different examples for how data bias has an impact on people. This included a few small experiments that encouraged students to rethink their assumptions.

The video below provides a short overview of the session, which explored how we can recognize data bias in daily life:

Here you will find all the other items of this mission:

A podcast about Data Bias

The importance of adressing Data Bias

What is this mission about

A webinar about Data Bias

How to deal with Data Bias

Data Bias in the medical sector

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Dennis NguyenDennis Nguyen
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