Data Bias and Discrimination photo-mahdis-mousavi

Webinar: Data Bias and Algorithmic Discrimination 


Data Bias and Algorithmic Discrimination

A debate about how data and algorithms shape our society 

We would like to invite you to a webinar/online conference on the topic “Data Bias and Algorithmic Discrimination”, with a critical look at how data-driven technologies shape our society. Algorithms thrive on an ever-growing amount of data that enable organisations to categorise, rank, and make decisions about us. Big data and AI hold great potential but can also pose challenges for inclusion, fairness, and ethics in our digital societies.

We tackle this very complex issue in three panels, each focusing on a central question:

  • What are data bias and algorithmic discrimination?
  • How trustworthy are data and algorithms?
  • Who is accountable/responsible for data biases and algorithmic discrimination?

Experts from AI research, digital media design, digital media studies, law, and governance will discuss trends, problems, solutions, and share their prospects on how to maximise value from the digital transformation with minimal side effects.

The event if hosted fully online, with the opportunity to ask questions via a chat. Register at events.haag to receive an invitation. Find a preliminary schedule below (details subject to change).

Webinar Timeline

14:50 – (Digital) Walk-in
15:00 – “Welcome” by Moderator
15:05 – Speech Director IvC Frank Buskermolen
15:10 – Speech Swedish Ambassador Annika Markovic
15:25 – Panel 1 “What is Data Bias?” (Dennis Nguyen & Christopher Kullenberg)
15:45 – Panel 2 “How Trustworthy are Data and Algorithms?”  (Karim Jebari, Koen van Turnhout, Stefan Leijnen)
16:15 – Panel 3 “Who is Accountable for Data Biases?” (Aletta Smits, Quirine Eijkman, Carl-Frederik Wettermark)
16:45 – Q & A


About the Event Series

This is the third iteration of what has become an annual cooperation with the University of Gothenburg and the Swedish Embassy in The Hague. In the past with focused on “Freedom of Speech Online” and “Data Ownership”. The events come in the form of mini-conferences but instead of individual presentations we work with “fireside talks” between experts from different domains. He main goal is to stimulate the exchange of ideas between Swedish and Dutch experts and to bring highly urgent yet complex topics to a broader public.


Here you will find all the other items of this mission:

A podcast about Data Bias

The importance of adressing Data Bias

What is this mission about

A webinar about Data Bias

How to deal with Data Bias

Data Bias in the medical sector

Topic owner

Dennis NguyenDennis Nguyen
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