


Aletta Smits:
Dr. Aletta Smits is associate professor with the research group Human Experience & Media Design at HU University of Applied Sciences. Her current research focuses on the design of user interfaces for smart systems (mainly recommenders) and how user experience can be affected by choices in the interface design
Ester Bartels:
Ester Bartels, MA. is a design researcher at HU University of Applied Sciences with over 10 years of experience as a visual and UX designer. Her current research interests include looking into how users can control algorithm-driven technologies. She recently completed a master’s degree in Data-Driven Design, during which she explored the development of an adaptive user interface for mobile news. She is about to begin her PhD studies in this field.
Chris Detweiler:
Dr. Chris Detweiler is professor Philosophy in the Professional Practices at The Hague University of Professional Sciences in The Hague (The Netherlands). His research focuses on teasing out the way technology is used in the professional practice and the resulting influence of technology on people, professionals and society, including the inherent professional and ethical dilemma’s.
Koen van Turnhout
Dr. Koen van Turnhout is professor Human Experience & Media Design at HU University of Applied Sciences in Utrecht (The Netherlands). His research focuses on the user experience of smart data-driven products and services. His current research circles around smart interfaces (such as recommenders), intimate interfaces (such as chatbots in healthcare), and empathic interfaces (e.g. those that mimic human interaction). Apart from that, he has recently co-edited the newest version of the Dutch Handbook in Design Science Research